Travel is one of the best ways to shake up your routine, see new places and maybe even convince yourself that some airport food is worth the markup. But let's be real — between delays, cramped seats and the ever-present battle for overhead bin space, it can also be a headache. While no gadget or accessory can eliminate every stressor that comes with flying, I've spent enough time at 30,000 feet to know that the right gear can make a huge difference. Over the years, I've found a handful of essentials that have transformed my travel experience, turning long layovers and packed flights into something I actually enjoy.
Some of these picks are small luxuries that add a touch of comfort, while others, like a solid pair of noise-cancelling headphones or an e-reader, are now a non-negotiable in my book (pun intended). Whether you're looking to upgrade your in-flight setup, streamline your packing or just avoid some common travel pitfalls, here are deals on gear that can make your next trip smoother.
Over-the-ear noise-cancelling headphones
One of the best flights I ever had was a 13-hour jaunt from Detroit to Japan. Sounds awful, right? Not for me. I fell asleep before we took off, woke up for a bit when the cabin crew came by with the in-flight meal, and fell asleep again until we landed in Tokyo. It was the first time I'd used active noise-cancelling headphones, and while I can't say that they were the sole reason I was able to relax and fall asleep, I haven't taken a flight without them since.
Noise-cancelling earbuds
One of the first things I like to do when I land in a new place (after checking into my hotel or Airbnb) is go for a run, and I never run without my earbuds. They're also my go-to for long flights when my over-the-ear headphones start to feel uncomfortable but I still want noise-cancelling.
Kindle or e-reader
I used to bring at least a few paperbacks with me on every business trip. As a serial book collector, my bookshelves (and luggage) started to fill up, fast. Not wanting to subject my back to moving boxes full of books after buying my house a few years ago, I finally joined the 21st century and bought a Kindle. I don't know why I waited so long. Now I can take my entire library with me whenever I travel without having to worry about carrying all that extra weight through the airport.
iPad or tablet
While my Kindle is great for reading books, when it comes to magazines, I prefer to read in color. Also, I usually fly on United these days, and while I can't complain (too much) about their service, the one thing they tend to lack in comparison to my Delta flying days is in-flight entertainment. No sweat: It just means I have to fill up my tablet with episodes of The West Wing before takeoff. Easy.
Unless you hit the ground running, literally, when you land, it can sometimes be a chore to get all of your steps in when on a long, international flight. Luckily, my watch reminds me to get up out of my seat every couple of hours and go for a walk, even if it is just up and down the aisle. That keeps my legs, and the rest of my body, fresh and energized until we land.
Item tracker
Before we had kids and far, far more luggage, my wife and I used to fly Frontier frequently. Not needing to pay extra to choose a seat or bring along a carry-on made for an insanely cheap flying experience. Once, though, we did check a bag — and while we ended up in Michigan for a wedding, our luggage took a vacation down to Orlando. Luckily I was able to find the bags, thanks to having an AirTag in all of our luggage.
Portable Power Bank
Long international trips can be stressful. Making sure you make your connections, that all of your luggage is with you, going through customs ... all of that can be aggravated by a low phone battery, especially if your phone is also your ticket. That's why I never travel without a power bank. If my phone is getting low, I plug it in and it can go for days.
Multi-port USB charger
Micro-USB, Mini-USB, Lightning, USB-C — charging cables (and voltages) are all over the place these days. If you're traveling in North America, this three-port charger can power most of your devices at once, saving you from hunting down multiple charging blocks. And if you're into photography like me, you probably have more than three devices to charge — luckily, it's cheap enough to grab two.
International travel adapter
In a previous career, I was a professional photographer, a job that took me all over the world. On my first trip overseas, I quickly realized that a single travel adapter wasn’t going to cut it — not with my phone, camera gear, laptop and iPad all needing to stay juiced up. When I walked into a local shop, I was stunned by the price of an adapter. But with no other choice, I sighed and shelled out way too much money for a quick fix.
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The reviews quoted above reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.